Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Just like a Harley

So let me explain the title of my post for today. Some of you may know my Aunt Kaki...and she loves Harley motorcycles! Which got me thinking...she's a lot like one. They are the most popular and greatest bikes! They require lots of maintenance but you have years and years of enjoyment out of one! All of these things are just like her. She has been fighting cancer for over 2 years now and just when we think she is going to "break down" for good she keeps on rollin'!! I admire the woman she has always been, is now, and will continue to be in my heart:) No matter how much time we have left to spend with her she will always be a big part of our lives:)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Memorial Day Madness!!!

Our great friends...well they are basically family...Kirk and Astrid celebrated 7 years of marriage yesterday. Even though we knew regret was a possibility, we asked them to take Sunday night and go celebrate and we would keep the "Bard Boys." So needless to say it was absolutely crazy around the Schiavone house yesterday! At the end of the day after the boys had gone home Joe looked at me and said,"Don't even ask for three kids!" I definately got a taste of what it's like to have a house full and even though it's stressfull, there are times when you just can't help but to kiss them all! There are many times that Leena and EJ(2 and 1/2 years) like to fight...everything is,"NO! MINE!" but then Logan steps in (5 years) and smooths it over:) So after all was said and done I had a great day with all the kids!!